Kent: Chislehurst Caves! (7.10.2023)

As something of a hobby that its becoming ever more prominent and important as I get older – I have penned an article about the local Home Guard Unit (the 54th Kent Battalion) which operated in the area – that will be published shortly on a dedicated historical website. This Home Guard Unit had the unexpected duty of ‘Policing’ the exterior of the caves and ensuring that law and order was maintained by the thousands of evacuees who turned-up. There was also the issue of ensuring that there was no trouble between the locals and the newly arrived – as Britain is rife with regional conflicts! A positive gained from this influx meant that there was plenty of men and women available to join and assist the Home Guard – making this area one of the best manned of the Civil Defence Authorities! Remember – the Home Guard was premised upon Socialist principles!

Palestine: Heroic Anti-Fascist Resistance Movement Declares ‘Internationalist’ Intent! (8.10.2023)

The Brigades of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa affirmed today, Saturday – in light of the heroic scenes generated by the proud actions of the heroes of the Resistance inside our Occupied Territories, as part of the epic battle against fascism that we are waging – that this heroic battle is the beginning of the defeat of the Zionist enemy and will culminate in its departure from our land! The success of this anti-fascist fight will not be erased from the awareness and memory of the Arab nation!

Palestine: Battle of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” Captures Far More Zionists Than Reported! (8.10.2023)

The Hebrew Channel 12 reported that the death-toll from the operations carried out by the Resistance from the Gaza Strip towards the Occupied areas since the morning hours amounted to at least 300 dead and more than a thousand wounded, hundreds of them in mortal danger!

Since the morning of Saturday, October 7th, 2023, Palestinian Resistance Fighters have been waging a fierce house-by-house street battle in the “Gaza Envelope” of illegal Zionist Settlements – after successfully crossing the Security Fence!

The Palestinian Resistance is destroying these illegal Zionist Settlements within the Occupied Palestinian Interior – assisted by hundreds of missiles that have successfully struck Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the Occupied Negev regions! Such is the excellent Battle of the “Al-Aqsa Flood!”

Palestine: Uprising of the Oppressed Stuns Zionist War Machine! (8.10.2023)

GAZA, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) — The death toll from Israeli airstrikes in Gaza has risen to 232, with 1,697 others injured, according to an update from the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza on Saturday.

The airstrikes were carried out in response to an earlier rocket attack by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The Israeli military confirmed that Palestinian militants had launched almost 3,000 rockets against Israel, and dozens of militants had infiltrated southern Israel.

Hamas, the militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, claimed to have captured a number of Israeli officers and soldiers, adding that they are being held in “safe places.”