WWII: My Tribute to the Excellent British ‘Home Guard’ (LDVF) and Some of My Published Work! (6.10.2023)

My maternal (‘Gibson’) family used to live in Lewisham, East London – until they were bombed-out by Hitler during the Blitz of September 1940 (the Blitz would go on to kill 70,000 British people between 1940-1941 – with 40,000 deaths in London alone). The Gibson family were then evacuated to the ‘Forest Hill’ area of Oxfordshire – due to them having a ‘nephew’ living in the area. In 1983, a book focusing on local history was commissioned entitled ‘Forest Hill with Shotover – A Portrait (1983)’. This was published by the ‘Forest Hill Women’s Association’. The Story of my grandfather – Arthur Gibson – and his family arriving in the area is recorded on Pages 28-29

Palestine: Prisoner Movement Announces Militant Counter-Measures Opposing Zionist Prison Authority Campaign Against Palestinian Prisoners!

The Supreme National Committee for the Prisoner Movement accused the Zionist Occupation of trying to ‘morally and physically assassinate’ the Palestinian prisoners issue. The statement was released in response to attempts to sow discord by creating stories of prisoners having relationships with Zionist female prison guards. This, as per the statement, was aimed at damaging the prisoners’ image. The statement denounced a few Palestinian and Arab media outlets that promoted this narrative. It also announced the commencement of measures starting with the closure of all departments in prisons to counter these attempts.