Alexander Werth [Part I]: Russian Arctic Convoy PQ-16 – Middlesborough (UK) to Murmansk (USSR) – Merchant Navy Ship “Empire Baffin”! (2.9.2023)

The Russian Arctic Convoy, PQ-16, sailed from Iceland to the Soviet Union in late May 1942, providing vital military and civilian aid amid attacks by Nazi Germany. The fleet comprised British, American, and Allied ships, including the Empire Baffin that Alexander Werth traveled on for four weeks as recorded in his book ‘The Year of Stalingrad’. This account, along with further research, allows for a timeline to be reconstructed for these events, however, full details are limited due to the secrecy required during wartime. Convoy PQ-16 consisted of 36 Merchant Navy vessels, some armed for self-defense, and a number of Royal Navy ships acting as protection. Werth’s account also mentions controversial language used to describe the African-descendent members of the Merchant Navy crew.

Alexander Werth (1942): The Anti-Religious Lies Told to the Romanian (Fascist) Soldiers! (2.10.2023)

The post discusses the evolution of Church and State separation, highlighting pivotal moments such as the execution of King Charles I, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution. The text also underscores similar observations by Marx and Engels in their “Communist Manifesto.” It stresses that religion wasn’t banned but separated from secular politics, evolving into non-influential, private pursuits in contemporary society—like China, Cuba, the US, et cetera. It concludes by criticizing US misrepresentation of religious freedom under Socialism.

UK: Tories Grant “Golden Visas” to Families of “Rioting” Hong Kong Criminals – Settling Them in Sutton! (2.10.2023)

The Tories want to keep this sudden influx of riotous Hong Kong Chinese an open secret so as to avoid a right-wing backlash. Those who have betrayed a Socialist China (for the “King’s Shilling” so-to-speak) will soon learn the hard way the realities of racism once the honeymoon period is over – and the Tories nolonger possess a pressing need to privilege and protect them! For the time being, these new Hong Kong arrivals are being told to congregate in Public Libraries and avoid any direct contact with the indigenous British population. Under no circumstance are they to interact and divulge their true identities. Just imagine if the UK sent thousands of its criminals to quietly infiltrate the society of China – hang on – we already did that (and termed it ‘Colonialism’) – silly me!

Flora Botton (Mexico): Why Ancient & Modern China Should Be Understood as a Completed Whole! (2.10.2023)

Flora Botton: Mexico and China have established diplomatic relations for more than 50 years. I am happy to say that Mexico and China have a lot of communication in all aspects, whether it is economic relations, political relations, or academic relations. Exchange students, scholarship establishment, visiting scholars, travel, language learning… all kinds of communications.

In ancient times, “sinologists” were scholars who spread Chinese culture by learning and translating Chinese. They specialized in the study of traditional Chinese culture. And now the term is widely used for any scholar who studies China, even contemporary China.