How the BBC ‘Lied’ About Tribal Life – As Part of the Post-2010 Cascade of Tory-Led Establishment Lies! (1.10.2023)

Apparently, as the average ‘White’ person believes that tribal people ‘live up trees’ – the BBC Props Department was flown to Papua New Guinea to ‘construct’ convincing ‘living platforms’ built an impressive one hundred-feet up trees! Stunt Co-Ordinators were flown from the UK to ‘train’ each member of the Korowai people ‘how’ to convincingly climb the trees and to realistically ‘mount’ the platforms! All this information only represents a snapshot of BBC and British State ‘lying’ – and the fact we know about it is due to the ‘poor management’ skills of Chris Patten – rather than the opening-up of any great transparency in the British System!