US: Islamo-Fascist Textbooks for Afghanistan! (25.6.2023)

Below is a few pages from the above book – which describes a set of textbooks designed by ‘White’ Americans (former members of the ‘Peace Corps’ to teach illiterate (tribal) Muslims how to torture, maim and then dismember the still living bodies of Soviet Red Army POWs captured in Afghanistan! It was the Americans that developed the antics of Islamo-fascists – a brutality that seems to have spread to the drug cartels of modern Mexico!

Wagner PMC: Yevgeny Prigozhin Explains the “March of Justice”! (25.6.2023)

We showed a master-class on how the February 24th, 2022 operation had to look, however, during this “March” we turned around to avoid spilling the blood of Russian Army soldiers!

Wagner PMC CEO Prigozhin:

The aim of the March was to avoid the destruction of the Wagner Group. We regret that we had to hit Russian aviation – but they opened fire on us!

Wagner PMC CEO Prigozhin:

We wanted to hold accountable those who made mistakes during the Special Military Operation in Ukraine!

Rostov: The Latest Wagner PMC News the West Will Not Tell You! (25.6.2023)

The Head of the Defence Ministry – and his Second – are said to be ‘corrupt’ and are stealing the money that should be used to ‘pay’ the ‘foreign’ Wagner PMC troops (which include British, American, Chinese and all sorts of other non-Slavic people) for their military service in the name of the Russian Federation! The Russian people are cheering the Wagner PMC troops – giving them flowers – and feeding them! Every Russian person is saying THANK YOU for their service and their sacrifice! These foreigners, the Russians say, have died in their thousands for our Slavic homeland – and we love them!

Rostov: Ordinary Russian People Support Wagner PMC! (26.6.2023)

The first reaction by the US, Ukraine and Russians – is to ‘disinform’! Wagner PMC are ‘traitors’ – seems to be the main call – from three different angles! The problem is that material reality does not support this interpretation! Indeed, Russian is probably on the brink of Revolution – possibly as close as it came in 1917! The Wagner PMC has earned the love and respect of the Russian people due to its heroic stand in Bakhmut – unlike 1917 – modern Russia possesses a much stronger and well-organised Bourgeois State which has already began to take stern and oppressive measures to re-write history and divert the attention of the masses away from popular movements and fairer systems of administration!