Football History – I Was There! Pre-Season Friendly: Sutton United Vs Leicester City – Played Tuesday July 16th – 2002 [Kick-Off 7:30 pm]! (14.6.2002)

Eventually, during the 1970s, he founded the ‘Tiverton Town Cricket Club’ (TTCB) – and for a time found fame with the antics and achievements this sporting entity achieved! I was actually researching old newspaper articles featuring ‘Peter Wyles’ who is described as the ‘Captain’, ‘Manager’ and even ‘Groundsman’ between 1975-1980! Like everything, eventually other power-bases (and egos) developed and my father quietly withdrew! This is why today all kinds of people make ‘fake’ claims to having founded ‘Tiverton Town Cricket Club’! As a young child, I used to accompany my father to the Tiverton Cricket Club Home Ground (during all kinds of weather) – situated on the outskirts of Tiverton (near the Rugby Ground) – where he used to cut the grass, ‘roll’ the ground and ‘mark-out’ the pitch! I even have memories of attending one or two ‘Home’ matches – and remember talking to the other team members (including ‘Peter Goldsworthy’ and ‘Pete Townsend’, etc). I also remember that one or two of my father’s friends in the team were attending St Luke’s Sports College (in Exeter) at the time – which meant they were of ‘Professional’ cricketing standard with no one locally realising the situation!

Laos Buddhist Socialist Republic: Laos-Cuba Ministries of Justice Strengthen Bilateral Co-Operation! (14.6.2023)

An ongoing exchange of experts will create a data-base of legal understanding amongst the masses upon how the legal sector is organized and how it works and functions! This will involve lessons on organization and arranging seminars – as well as how to facilitate practical training in the classroom (and other similar activities). This approach is based on the principle of mutual benefit – which will also improve the standards of professional education and training for all legal staff (and other professionals).

Laos Buddhist-Socialist Republic: The Head of the Office of the President of Laso – Welcomes the (Respectful) Visit of the Singaporean Ambassador! (14.6.2023)

On this occasion, Ms. Chimmani Phalsena expressed her warm welcome and congratulations to Ms. Liao Sui Lin – for completing her diplomatic duties in the Laos People’s Democratic Republic, which has contributed to the strengthening of the friendship and close cooperation between the two countries (Laos and Singapore) which has been steadily developing as a consequence! At the same time, Ms. Chimmani Phalsena also expressed the deep gratitude and high appreciation felt by the Laotian people to the people and government of Singapore – for contributing to the well-being and development the Laos PDR – through aid in the recent past – and wished Ms. Liao Sui Lin success in her new posting (and a safe journey to the ‘new’ country)!

The People’s Party Mourns the Martydom of Fares Abdel Moneim Muhammad Hashash – and Affirms its Heroic Resistance will Continue! (14.6.2023)

The defiance of the people affirmed that the Zionist Occupation’s aggression against Nablus will not weaken its support for the Resistance and its heroic operations – whilst directing painful blows toward the Zionist enemy in response to its brutal attack and criminal massacres against our people! The Front saluted the heroes of the military Operation in Jenin – which injured 4 (illegal) settlers – as this Commando Operation expressed the integration of the Resistance tools and the Unity of its fighters across all arenas!

Palestine: China-Funded Projects Improve Quality of Life! (14.6.2023)

“The school was modern, as it is equipped with smart classrooms and laboratories, integrated sound systems, smart lighting systems, and energy-saving solar energy units,” al-Hindi said, adding that all facilities are accessible for people with disabilities.

The school teaches students from the fifth grade till high school, who can enjoy a healthy school environment that stimulates creativity, said Mohammed Rabea, secretary of the school’s director.

“This school is a nucleus for spreading knowledge among the students who live in this area, as it is considered a real increase in the educational process in the Palestinian society, which is keen on knowledge and learning,” Rabea added.

Ghabatra, al-Hindi, and Rabea expressed sincere gratitude to the Chinese government and people for funding the ring road and the school that would bring long-term benefits.