Rainbow: Mitzvot (Commandments) – the Seven Laws of Noah! (12.6.2023)

This idea is a leap of logic that attempts to ‘link’ the ‘eight’ sectioned ‘Rainbow Flag’ of Gilbert Baker with the (Hebrew) religious teachings of the ‘Seven Laws of Noah’. These teachings are also referred to as the ‘Noahide Commandments’ (or the ‘Mitzvot’ of Noah). Although Jewish people follow their own set of ‘Mitzvot’ (Commandments) – non-Jewish people who live alongside Jewish people are expected to willingly comply with Noah’s Seven Laws. In Jewish scripture it is stated that Yahweh “created the world that it might be settled”. (Isaiah 45:18) This implies a level of required civilized conduct – which can only be achieved when non-Jewish people also correctly observe the required ‘mitzvot’.

The PFLP pointed out that these arbitrary ‘field executions’ – and the escalating crimes of the Zionist Occupation – will not discourage our people, who have rose up in the face of the Zionist Occupation! There has been an accumulation of actions in resistance to this Zionist enemy! The Zionist Occupation (and its settlers) have encouraged more crimes against Palestinian youth, children and the future of our people! It is only natural for the Palestinian people to fight-back against the Zionist Occupation wherever and whenever these flashpoints occur!

When Hunting Goes Wrong! (12.6.2023)

Although not technically illegal – such collusion is notoriously difficult to prove! Meanwhile, across the Pond, a spokesperson for Oprah Winfrey has usually issued a statement which confirms ‘Oprah is saddened to hear of the tragic loss of Stephen. In these trying times, Oprah offers her prayers and forgiveness to his family – who probably owned her family two hundred years ago.’