Holocaust Chronicle Entry [1933]: Homosexuality as Sexual Degeneracy in Nazi Germany! (11.6.2023)

During 1938, Trotsky fabricated what he referred to as the ‘Fourth International’ – through which he called upon his worldwide following to align itself with the Catholic Church and to support any international ‘Fascist’ attack upon the USSR! He also encouraged Soviet citizens to carryout ‘terrorist’ attacks upon the infrastructure of their own country so as to weaken it from the inside and assist this potential invasion! This was just as the USSR (and the International Working-Class) was moving toward its own defeat during the last years of the Spanish Civil War! Trotsky thought that the tide of history was on his side – but just wo-years later he would be ‘dead’ and the Trotskyite cause firmly disempowered! This happened because the capitalist West went to War with Nazi Germany and allied itself with the Soviet Union! After WWII, and the Soviet Union had lost 41 million men, women and children, the capitalist West reverted to its usual policy of demonising the USSR! From the late 1940s in the UK, the incumbent Labour Party requested that the arch-Trotskyite ‘George Orwell’ to compile a list of British intellectuals that he thought were sympathetic to ‘Communism’!

USSR: Academic Paper (1974) – “Earth – a Giant Crystal?”! (11.6.2023)

Looking through the colour photographs taken by the Gemini probes, we could discerned the three nodes of the system: Morocco (20), California (17) and Florida (18). Here, exactly in the calculated places, circular geological structures with a diameter of 200-350 km are clearly distinguished.

It could be that the Earth’s crystalline structure strongly influences the biosphere of the planet and the formation of geochemical and biogeochemical provinces.

In the centres of the European and Asian faces of the icosahedron (2 and 4) there are two vast biogeochemical provinces in which soils lack some elements and too many others. Therefore, natural selection among plants and animals is aggravated there.

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: Grindr Profiles of [Fascist] Russian Volunteer Corps’ Revealed! (10.6.2023)

They describe themselves as an ‘internal’ terrorist group awaiting ‘activation’ to take the fight to the Russian Authorities – and assist the attempts of the West to break Russia into small, independent and aggressively competing members of NATO! In the meantime, they used to spend their time ‘dating’ other men and receiving ‘medals’ from President Zelensky – who liked to watch the men (via video link) wearing the decorations whilst parading about in their hotel rooms! Strangely, ALL of the detained seemed oddly happy that they were about to be incarcerated for long prison sentences!