Homoerotic Perversion and the Waffen SS – A Living Tradition! (4.6.2023) 

These individuals believe that they are participating in the psychological and physical freedom that Adolf Hitler promised through his Mein Kampf ideology! As many Western countries possess very strict anti-terrorist laws – these ‘Waffen SS’ groups are unable to progress beyond ‘meeting-up’ online through whatever social media platform will allow them to share their hideous content! The ‘Waffen SS’ groups routinely share content involving torture, maiming, rape, murder, terrorism, animal cruelty, accidents, disasters, extreme pornography, violence toward women and girls, male rape, bestiality and paedophilia! This ideology strikes me as being a ‘living tradition’ that stems entirely from the mind of Adolf Hitler and the traditions of the SS Units he created to apply his attitudes, concepts and opinions! It has survived from one generation to the next and has received a tremendous boost through the internet! The left did NOT create Hitlerism – but the left did fight Hitler – and eventually prevailed albeit at a terrible price!  

Neo-Nazi Ukraine: “Euro-Maidan” Cultural News! (4.6.2023)

This hatred of “effeminate” gay men is still seen within the far-right today – despite many prominent far-right leaders being known to regularly engage in gay sexual antics. Not only this, but this perverse ideology also includes the routine rape of men, women and children – but also extends to bestiality! This is all held together through an official ideology of “Homophobia” – which attacks effeminate gay people – or gay people who are monogamous and abide by the law! This is the madness that the US is supporting not only in the Ukraine, but also throughout Eastern Europe – where Neo-Nazi (Catholic-supported) regimes now dominate! Meanwhile, the US spent eight-years indoctrinating the various generations of Ukrainians in a preparation for a NATO-based invasion of East Ukraine (Donbass) – and the Occupation of West Russia (creating a UN-controlled buffer-zone). The Russian government took action to stop this US-invasion by acknowledging the “Independence” of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Donbass. The Russian Army was then deployed in Donbass (during early 2022) at the request of the Donetsk and Lugansk Authorities! This is a UN-acknowledged “legal” process which the US has instructed its UK and EU allies to “ignore”. Instead, the US, UK and EU have continued to “arm” the vicious Neo-Nazi Ukraine regime and finance its debauched Hitlerite culture! This policy has led to to the deaths of tens of thousands of people!